August 5-8, 2021
Sponsored by the Gauvins
The Music City Miata club will make it’s annual trek to Deals Gap on the first weekend of August. This is the annual MIATAS AT THE GAP which usually includes 200 to 300 cars from around the country. For those of you who haven’t been, it is an 11 mile stretch of highway which contains 318 turns and switch-backs. There are No intersecting roads or driveways. The ultimate MIATA ROAD! In addition to the runs thru the Gap, we will explore some of the most
beautiful hill country in and around North Carolina and the Smokey Mountains.
We have a block of rooms at the Quality Inn in Robbinsville, NC. If you would like to join us for Fun, Sightseeing, food and fellowship, please call Becky at the Quality Inn at 828-479-6772 ext 6. Please mention the Music City Miata club to reserve your room and rooms are for MCMC members only.
Room Rates for 2 Queen beds or King are $99.99 Thursday and $109.99 for Friday and Saturday nights plus tax. They will ask for a credit card, but it will not be billed until arrival. Due to the number of Miatas at this event, please reserve your room now. Once you have booked your room, please email me so that I can account for all members traveling with us. I will be releasing any remaining unreserved rooms on June 30th, so act before that date.
Details of place and time of departure will be posted in the near future. Looking forward to another great get-together with other Miata Lovers!
David Gauvin