Greg would like to invite our Miata family to a quiet day in the country
  What could be better after  a very loud, late night and perhaps alcohol adjusted mood enhancement end of the year blowout, that I am sure some of us will be doing. A New Year’s Eve party would be the LAST event for the year but a New Year’s Day event would be the FIRST event of the year. I like being FIRST (who doesn’t) so please plan on coming by on January 1st, New Year’s Day 2023.
We will leave the gate open at the bottom of the hill. If you have been here before you know how to find your way up the driveway but if this is your first trip let me know and I will send you directions. We would not like you to get lost driving down the holler.
Let’s start around Noon to give the New Year Eve party goers a chance to sleep in a bit and then we will just “graze” through the day. For those that can stand the noise after New Year’s partying, and depending on the weather, some shooting may be happening in the upper meadow. If you feel the need, please let me know so I can set up the range with the appropriate number of targets. Bring a long gun and we may even enjoy a few explosions.
This is an MCMC event so of course there will be food. We will be skipping the Cracker Barrel this time and there will be no drive-about so just make it to “Dragons Rest” and bring something to share. I will be keeping my eye out for some primo road-kill (this is the country after all) to throw into a pot for the main course. If past experiences are any guide, I think no one will go hungry on the “Hill”.
Mostly we will be entertaining ourselves with stories that never seem to be in short supply, downing a beverage or two and just stuffing our faces. Who knows what the weather may be like but we have a covered porch if it rains, we have lots of coats if it is cold or if you listened to your mothers growing up, just stay inside where it is warm and get out of the weather? Most likely we will find a supply of beverages made from a variety of ingredients including grapes and hops and such but feel free to bring your favorite beverages.
Come dark, around 5:30 or so, we will be lighting up the sky with some fireworks. I am a bit particular to mortars as those that have come to the hill before know. It may not be a 4th of July show but will be a good ending to the day.
Please RSVP so we can get a head count. E mail at or call at 615-714-4530.
Best Always,
Greg |