Music City Miata Club, Inc.
Minutes of Monthly Meeting
January 4, 2020
Sportsman’s Grille, Franklin, TN
The regular monthly meeting of the Music City Miata Club was held January 4, 2020 at the Sportsman’s Grille, Franklin, TN with twenty-five members attending.
Board present: President Jerry Hammock, VP & President Elect David Gauvin, Treasurer Laura Key, Communications Director Denny Rowlett, Historian Dorothy Gauvin, Secretary Stephanie Tankersley, and Events and Membership Chairman Greg Johnson. Past President Lois Matisak was absent.
The President, Jerry Hammock, called the meeting to order at 12:25 p.m., we had one new member join us today. We are glad to welcome to our club Phil and Kristin May from Lewisburg. They have a 2002 NB Dark Blue Miata.
Prize for the most cards handed out was won by James Pool. Door prize drawing winners were Jerry Hammock, Ladona Pool, and David Barlow.
Jerry asked for a motion to approve last month’s minutes. Steve Wright made a motion to approve the minutes of the December meeting as posted on the website. David Gauvin made the second. Motion was approved by all.
Finance: Laura Key gave the Treasurer’s report. Beginning balance was $2,648.00 with receipts of $1722.00 in dues, merchandise, auctions proceeds, Cabaray Christmas party payments collected, and expenses of $2032.00 for Cabaray Christmas party final payment and Cars N Coffee supplies for a current balance of $2,338.00. Laura also provided an official statement for the 2019 year end. Beginning January 2019 balance was $1,796.00 with receipts of $2,149.00, and expenses of $1,707.00 for a 2019 year-end balance of $2,238.00. David Gauvin made the motion to approve the report and John Hillis made the second. Motion approved.
Membership: It was reported by Greg Johnson that there was one new member signup. There were 20 members that have renewed for the 2020 year so far. We have approximately 100 family members for the beginning of 2020. Greg reminded anyone if they need badges to let him know.
Events: Greg Johnson reported that he had passed out a list of all past events at today’s meeting and requested that members mark events that they had enjoyed and would like to see happen again. He also asked that any additional ideas for events be suggested. So far it appears that there are 35 events already proposed for the 2020 year. To help new members with leading events Greg will have a list of members that have led at least 3 events and they will be Mentors. Mentors can help any member with planning and/or leading events. Greg explained that the club was going to bring back prizes for members that sponsor/lead events. There will be a drawing at the end of 2020 for 1st place of $300.00, 2nd place of $200.00, 3rd place of $100.00.
Past Events:
December 21-Living Christmas Tree Run/Lynchburg/Indian Motorcycle Store-David and Barb Williams led 6 cars on a run to Lynchburg, TN to see the Jack Daniel’s Whiskey Christmas Tree and the Indian Motorcycle Store. They continued on for a great dinner at Connors Steakhouse in Huntsville, AL. The club ended their run in Huntsville at the Living Christmas Tree show. The show again was an amazing musical performance enjoyed by all.
January 1-New Year’s Day at Dragons Rest hosted by Greg and Marilyn Johnson. They had about 16 members attend. They had fun on the shooting range, ate great food and ended with a firework show put on by Greg.
Upcoming Events:
February 1 – Nashville Cars & Coffee (Cool Springs)/Monthly Members Meeting at Sportsman’s Grille (Cool Springs)
- Cars & Coffee to be held from 8 – 10 a.m. at the Thoroughbred Cinemas parking lot in Cool Springs. Please email Ray for him to save spots if they are planning on attending. Monthly Miata meeting and lunch will be held immediately afterwards at 11pm at Sportsman’s Grille, Franklin, TN.
February 2-Super Bowl Party at Jerry Hammock’s home in Hermitage, TN. Famous Dave’s BBQ will be served as always. Jerry’s home has plenty of TV’s. Every room has a TV for easy viewing of the game. There will be a fee of about $11.00 per person to cover the cost of the food. Please see the email coming for the exact amount that Jerry will need to collect for the Famous Dave’s BBQ once he finds out the new prices.
February 15-Valentine’s Sweetie Run and dinner will be organized by Laura Key again. The dinner will be at The Bull and Thistle Pub in Gainesboro, TN and there is a 30 person limit. Please get your RSVP in quickly. More details will be in the email.
Potential Future Events:
-Biltmore House and Garden
-General Jackson Fourth of July Dinner and Fireworks
-Shooting Day and Food/Fellowship at Greg and Marilyn Johnson’s home
-2 Tech Days at least
Vice President/President Elect: David reported that the club is starting a point system to encourage more participation in club events. David reminded club members to wear their name tags to all events. It was suggested that stick on name tags also be available for events when a member or new member doesn’t have their name tag available. David wanted to let all of the members that have held events at their homes that the club greatly appreciates their generosity by being so welcome. David advised members to remember to keep the gaps between cars smaller during runs to discourage any other vehicles pulling into the group of cars and that there will be a sign in sheet to tally points starting at the February meeting and all future events.
Communications: Denny Rowlett reminded members if you are not receiving emails to let him know.
Historian: Dorothy Gauvin reported that she had brought the scrapbooks to share at the meeting.
Secretary: Stephanie Tankersley had nothing to report.
Past-President: Lois Matisak was absent.
New Business: Jerry Hammock thanked all of the members for attending our first meeting of the 2020 New Year.
Jerry asked for a motion to adjourn. Denny Rowlett made the motion; Dorothy Gauvin second; all approved. Meeting was adjourned at 1:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie Tankersley
Recording Secretary