The ‘Berrys Are Waiting On Us!

May is the month of Strawberries, and it just so happens that the Strawberry Growers Capital of the World is just up the road a stretch in Portland, TN. So…. why not go to their festival and help them celebrate? Devron and Lou Ann Steele have offered to lead a group to Portland on Saturday, May 14th to check out this year’s crop — and see what the locals are up to.
We’ll meet at the Goodlettsville Cracker Barrel (235 Long Hollow Pike, Goodlettsville TN 37072, I-65 Exit 97) at 9:45 am with a departure time of 10:00am. We’ll take some back roads to Portland arriving about 11:00 am. After sampling some strawberry treats, we can enjoy the free music concert. For those so inclined, the parade will start at 4:00pm.
We’ve never been to the Festival but we plan on grazing during the day as there should be a variety of opportunities to snack and nibble on local vittles so we’re not planning a formal lunch.
We plan to park at the Portland High School and ride the shuttles (available from 9AM – 6:30 PM) to and from the Festival location.
Click on the website for festival details:
If you want to join us, please let us know by Friday the 13th so we can look for you at the Cracker Barrel.
Devron and Lou Ann Steele
See you on the 14th! |