Join us for the third episode in The Sleep In Series. Sleep in late, don’t drive all day!
Let’s sleep late and take a leisurely backroads ride for lunch at famous Chaney’s Dairy Barn!
It’s a favorite destination just outside of Bowling Green with a menu that presents sandwich-favorites like the Gobbler, Porker, and Dairy-Aire. And, beyond lunch, there’s lots to see at and around the store, including the gift shop, farm and corn maze!
But for some of us, the biggest attraction is … ICE CREAM! Their homemade ice cream is made from milk and cream from their own Jersey Cows, with flavors like Bourbon Crunch, Chunky Monkey, Cookie MOOnster, and How Now Brownie Cow,
to name a few. You may want to bring a cooler to take home some of your favorites.
We’ll start gathering at the Cracker Barrel, 235 Long Hollow Pike, Goodlettsville beginning at 10:30 AM with a 11 AM departure. We’ll take some great twisty, scenic backroads up. After having our fill, we’ll take a short drive East over to Interstate 65 for quick ride back home.If you’d like to jon us, please let Phil & Lois Matisak know by email by noon Friday, Oct 30. It promises to be a MOOving experience!
Until then, be well — drive safely.