Hosted by Gregory Johnson
No, we are not going to shoot sausages! But we will be cooking up some and eating them. It’s that time again for the MCMC to support our 2n d Amendment rights. Bring what firearms you have and lessons and loaner firearms are available for the unarmed, just let me know. Even if you are a non-shooter, you will have a great time. Lunch time, around noon, may vary a little to allow for shooters to get their fill before chowing down.
As my Miata, The Dragon, is awaiting parts and repair, we will skip the drive and meet at Dragons Rest, my home in Bradyville, Tennessee. Plan on arriving around 10:00 AM and directions will be furnished for those that signed up.
This will be our 9th Annual Event for the club. For shooters, we will have a short, medium and a long hand gun range with several targets at each distance.

We will also have a 125 yard long gun range so feel free to bring what you got, anything except NO Shotguns. I will have targets and target stands set up in the upper meadow, just a short walk from the house and parking area. We may even blow up some Tannerite, just for fun.
Please keep all firearms unloaded until you get to the range and you are on the firing line. Return all guns to your car when done shooting. No firearms in the house please. We all want to go home with the same number of holes as we came with.
I have a 4×4 to carry equipment and ferry those that need a ride to the range area. Please don’t forget plenty of ammunition and both eye and hearing protection. Don’t stress, I have loaner safety gear available. Standard gun range safety rules will apply. For non-shooters, you can also just sit on the deck and enjoy the view while sipping a favorite beverage and munching on some snacks. If last year is any guide, lots of good conversation will be had.
For lunch we will be serving a “Sausage Fest”. Please bring a side dish to help round out the menu. Beer and wine and soft drinks will be available (shooters must wait until done shooting) but feel free to bring the adult beverage of your choice. A chair in a bag, sun screen and bug spray would also be helpful. Shooters and non-shooters are equally welcome.
There is no set ending time, stay until dark if you like. Just remember you still need to get back down “THE HILL” and that can be a different kind of fun in the dark.
Please RSVP to Greg at
or call at 615-714-4530 |